The movie revolves around college life of eight friends and their journey of their graduation. This is my first review for a Gujarati movie. I think Gujarati cinema is becoming a mainstream cinema and taking steps forward with big budget films and a full-fledged theatrical releases all over India after Kevi Rite Jaish and Bey Yaar. Talking about this movie, had enjoyed a lot while watching and relive that college time memories again. The dialouges are truly gujju which will be stay back with you till long as you can relate them with the day to day situation. When we talk about the technical aspect there are some flaws in the movie, the background score was too over and some scenes looks too over dramatic because of that.Acting was brilliant by all lead actors except Loy (Mitra Gadhvi) in some scenes.
Overall it was a brilliant effort to make such a good cinema.